International Relations Archives - Emily Geiger

USA vs Canada: A Tale of Two Nations

Historical and Cultural Differences Usa vs canada – The United States and Canada share a border, but their histories and cultures are vastly different. The US was founded by European colonists who sought to escape religious persecution and economic hardship. Canada, on the other hand, was founded by French fur traders and British colonists. These … Read more

Biden and NATO: Strengthening the Alliance in the Face of Global Challenges

Biden’s Role in NATO Since taking office, President Biden has made strengthening NATO a top priority. He has engaged in extensive diplomatic efforts to revitalize the alliance and enhance its capabilities. Biden has prioritized modernizing NATO’s infrastructure and technology to meet the evolving threats of the 21st century. He has also emphasized the importance of … Read more

UN Troops Deployed: Maintaining Global Peace and Security

Introduction Un troops deployed – United Nations troops deployed, often referred to as UN peacekeepers, are military and civilian personnel deployed by the United Nations (UN) to conflict-affected areas around the world. They are tasked with maintaining peace and security, protecting civilians, and supporting political processes. The UN has been involved in peacekeeping operations since … Read more